Ndiilokelwa Nthengwe

Welcome on Board

Welcome to my official website. You will expect to find and follow all the thrilling work I have been doing on the continent and abroad. Be it my tech company ventures, activism, wine business endeavours, and my writing, this is the right place to experience and get connected to me and my brand.

My Recent books

This book seeks to resolve the question of whether or not this generation has been fucked with the most or if it simply leveraged modern digital tools to position itself as the the “private school of generations” while erasing the liberation generation that predates it.

This book is primarily dedicated to Eerike Kahambundu, a fierce activist of his time and amazing friend; and because of this, the dedication extends to queer black marginalised people who might resonate deeply with my work and find their journey within the texts.

“If women, sexual, gender and sex minorities cannot raise our children in healthy and safe environments, then a law which limits options for reproductive autonomy is clearly economically costly, redundant and is complicit in the ongoing intersectional violence and structural oppression which characterise our daily lives.”

Besides being an Author

Incredible. Not only the writing in the book or the book itself, but also what the author has done throughout their life, especially at such a young age, for the rights of various Namibian minorities. The Chronicles of a Non-Binary Black Lesbian Namibian...in Love depicts a life in Namibia that is difficult, beautiful, and impactful. I believe this is a book that will become an icon in not only Namibian literature, but also in Namibian activism.


The fact that this book exists - as bold and unashamed as it does - is a win, both for Namibian literature and for the author, and any other critique is merely to make what they do next better.

Cindy Van Wyk

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